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Taking A Chance With Democracy

Taking a chance with democracy

A British prime minister once said he “hated elections” and compared them to “medicine which you’ve got to have”. But for us fair elections are no bitter medicine. In fact,…

PTI Settles Ideologically

PTI settles ideologically

Right-wing is used for being conservative and pro-rich in economic policy making as well as being conservative and pro-religion in social policy making. The ‘confused conservatism’, which was taken for…

Targeted Killings

Targeted killings

Targeted killing has come to be seen as driven by sectarian, ethnic or terrorist motives. In Karachi targeted killings are pushing certain groups towards isolation. Since January 2010, on average…

Allying With Tax Evaders

Allying with tax evaders

"Moralists should address their sermons to the legislators, and not to individuals, because it is in the order of possible things that a virtuous and enlightened man may have the…

Save The System

Save the system

We must save the system. So agree Nawaz Sharif and Maulana Fazalur Rehman, Asif Zardari and Munawar Hassan, the Skipper, the Chaudhrys of Gujrat and the Khans of Charsadda. The…

Beyond Reform?

Beyond reform?

Since the start of World Bank funded Tax Administration Reforms Programme (TARP), FBR has been making tall claims about its automation efforts. All the chairmen of FBR, who headed the…