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The Exercise Of Suo Motu

The exercise of suo motu

LHC disqualifies MNA Javaid Hasnain over fake degree LHC disqualifies MNA Javaid Hasnain over fake degree The scenes witnessed some time ago in the Lahore High Court where students shouted…

Karzai In Washington

Karzai in Washington

By the time this article appears President Karzai will have arrived in Washington and possibly have had his first round of talks with President Obama and with a now recovered…

And Pine For What Is Not

And pine for what is not

This is that time of the year when endings come together with beginnings. But some prophesied endings have failed to turn up. The Mayan apocalypse was not to be and…

Corporate power

Economic inequalities within countries have increased significantly in most states that have seen decent growth over the last few decades. But this is usually seen by policymakers as an unavoidable…

The Enemy Within

The enemy within

The change in the military’s stance on who represents the biggest threat to our nation is hugely significant. Under the altered doctrine decided on by army leaders at a key…

Questions, And More Questions

Questions, and more questions

How can anyone be surprised by this fake degree scandal involving the country’s legislators that grows by the day as more and more illustrious names creep out of the parliamentary…

Response And Responsibility

Response and responsibility

The devastation caused by the floods has no parallel in the history of our country. The economic degradation of the infrastructure has been enormous in its magnitude. Entire towns have…

Culture Change

Culture change

There is something of a slightly sinful pleasure in seeing the holders of fake degrees exposed, with the numbers going up by the day. It is variously talked of as…

Going Around In Circles

Going around in circles

Given the state of the writ of the state in Pakistan, finding civil servants with happy faces is a rarity these days. But lately I have found plenty of them.

Dearth Of Research

Dearth of research

I recently heard about a young Western academic who spent a decade in rural Punjab conducting ethnographic research for his PhD. On completing the degree, he took up a research…