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The World In 2030

The world in 2030

What will the world look like in 2030? Can we predict the future based on current trends? Perhaps, to some extent. However, the United States National Intelligence Council (NIC) has…

Turkey’s Erdogan Decade

Turkey’s Erdogan decade

Not long ago, Turkey was a security state where the establishment controlled policy through a shadow government. A clandestine network of military officers and their civilian proxies exercised utmost ‘legitimacy’…

Talking With The Enemy

Talking with the enemy

In more than a decade-long conflict between the Pakistani state and the Al-Qaeda and its inspired local militants, the initiative undoubtedly has fallen into the hands of the extremists. They…

Pak-US Ties In 2012

Pak-US ties in 2012

A series of crises in 2011 set the tone for US-Pakistan interaction in 2012; these included Raymond Davis’ shooting of two Pakistanis and Bin Laden’s killing. However, it was the…