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Measuring banking sector competition – I

The following are excerpts from a Working Paper "Measuring Competition in the Banking Sector of Pakistan: An Application of Boone Indicator" authored by State Bank of Pakistan's Mahmood ul Hasan…

Tapping the digital banking potential

Based on extrapolation from a 2005 SMEDA survey, and using commercial and industrial electricity connections as a proxy, Pakistan has five million MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises). Out of…

Informal banking: economic coercion

Pakistan is a country of contradictions. When we count the population for the purposes of allocation of seats in the assemblies and allocation of funds under the National Finance Commission…

Riphah University Holds Conference On Islamic Business

Riphah International University has organized its 5th International Conference on Islamic Business with the theme "Moving to social, ethical and responsible finance by the Islamic banking and finance institutions (IBFIs)".…

Banking on a miracle

“The latest infection cluster has raised awareness that, even during the stabilisation phase, similar situations can arise again anytime, anywhere, in an enclosed, crowded space. It's not over until it's…

Promoting Islamic Finance

Promoting Islamic finance

The government recently formed a high-powered committee to examine the current state of Islamic finance and suggest measures for future development. The share of Islamic banks, introduced in Pakistan in…