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What Kind Of Movement?

What kind of movement?

In recent years, Pakistani women and gender minorities have organised marches across the country on the International Working Women’s Day. Despite attacks from the patriarchal Right and Left, their resolve…

China Is Passé, Learn From Nepal

China is passé, learn from Nepal

ISLAMIC tradition advises Islam’s followers to travel to China to seek knowledge. India’s Hindus, particularly the ones combating the Hindutva juggernaut that seeks to turn the country into a theocratic…

A Short Walk To Sanity

A short walk to sanity

What will have to happen so that the little girl who begs at a traffic signal in Karachi – or Lahore – is able to grow up into a literate,…

New battlegrounds ( Part – II )

Along with China’s strong economic and strategic presence in Latin America, the US is also facing some other issues from the countries of the Americas region. The problem of mass…

What women need

Every year, countless women in Pakistan break glass ceilings and make a name for themselves, both personally and professionally, all while seamlessly juggling their careers and domestic responsibilities. Yet, the…

Politicians and their clothes

POLITICIANS and their clothes can never be separated from politics. It is the side plot which moves along with the main story — scene to scene, act to act —…

Factors behind Trump’s 2024 victory

The 2024 US presidential election saw Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party suffer a significant defeat, with Donald Trump reclaiming the White House and Republicans taking control of the Senate.…

Childcare challenge

DURING a spell of what feels like endless school holidays, a working mother’s mind inevitably turns to childcare. When faced with the great juggling act that is work and life,…

Humanitarian women

ON March 8, 2024, the world will commemorate International Women’s Day as it does every year. This year, perhaps much more than other years, the day falls in the midst…