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Drivers of extremism

WHAT compels a mob to burn someone to death? What explains such amplified levels of anger that an accusation against some person from a marginalised group leads to a lynching?…

Reality bites

ONE of my high school teachers, an American middle-aged man, used to poke fun at us for being clueless. He would often reference student protests in the 1960s as great…

Childcare challenge

DURING a spell of what feels like endless school holidays, a working mother’s mind inevitably turns to childcare. When faced with the great juggling act that is work and life,…

Forego the FOGO

I WAS looking for Botox in all the wrong places. In my quest to find a doctor who uses the neurotoxin for pain management, I came across a lot of…

Overflowing cups

ON my travels in the last two years I noticed a new accessory: large water bottles. You know the ones with the straw protruding from its top? The most coveted…

EPI: 50 years on

THIS year, World Immunisation Week (April 24-30) celebrates 50 years of the Ex­­panded Programme on Immunisation (EPI), recognising collective efforts to improve countless lives by protecting them from vaccine-preventable diseases.…

Under the influence

I AM currently struggling to embrace the era of the influencer, especially as it enters the newsroom. This is despite me attempting to convince my previous employer to let us…

Fighting toxic talk

I HAD to step outside social media silos to understand what was happening in Lahore, because my trusted sources — ie, this newspaper and other legacy outlets — were reporting…

Monetising hate

THE unverified news of a young female student being sexually assaulted at a private college in Lahore has shocked the country. The news, that was made viral via social media…

China’s miracles

This week, China has been celebrating its foundation day as the People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949. Comparing Pakistan and China at their births in his…