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Partition short-changed the poor

BEFORE the advent of free-market policies of 1991, the battle cry of India’s masses fighting poverty and unemployment targeted the big business. “Ye Tata-Birla ki sarkar nahi chalegi, nahi chalegi.”…

Sanders stalks Trump tour

THE Gujarati language is the lingua franca of Indian stock exchanges. Gujarati businessmen traditionally play both sides of the political street and this is no different in the US, where…

Will capitalism eat itself?

THE period between 2008 and 2020 marks more than a decade of difficulties for the global economy. In 2008, the Great Recession struck, leaving a destructive trail of losses worth…

Financial instability

In 2016, this writer wrote as many as six articles on Offshore assets of Pakistani citizens, which have been compiled in the form of a book. This endeavour, however modest,…

Meaningful Budget Proposals

Meaningful budget proposals

Every year before the announcement of annual federal budget, a plethora of proposals are received by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) from trade and professional bodies, tax bars and…

On globalization and localization

After the demise of the Soviet Union, millions of people started declaring it a great triumph of humankind. They asserted that no power could prevent the world from emerging as…

A recipe for disaster

The recent decision of the federal government to ease restrictions in the lockdown could lead to catastrophic consequences. It may cause a phenomenal surge in the number of Covid-19 cases…

Pakistan’s economic transformation

Let’s be ahead of the curve and start thinking about a post-Covid-19 world in which the economic landscape is more resilient; less debt trapped; and can generate required financial resources.…

The fault in the system

As the novel coronavirus ravages through several parts of the world, politicians from Islamabad to New Delhi, Washington to Berlin, London to Paris and Madrid to Rome are asserting that…