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The science of progress

Many exciting developments in the fields of science and technology are rapidly transforming the landscape of those countries that are investing in research and development. Many of these innovations are…

Path to stability

The true measure of a thriving or broken society lies in how it tackles its extremist elements. When these elements thrive, they often give rise to terrorism. Pakistan is currently…

Analysing the implementation of political manifestos

Since 1950, Pakistan has undergone significant political changes, alternating between military and civilian rules. After 1990, the major political parties like PML-N (Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz), PPP (Pakistan People’s Party), and…

Mental health comes first

According to a WHO study, at last one per cent of the total world’s population dies by suicide every 40 seconds across the world. It further states that 5.0 per…

Towards a technology-driven economy

In today’s world, technology has emerged as the driving force behind socioeconomic development. Its transformative impact is evident across various sectors, influencing economic growth, education, healthcare and governance. Many disruptive…

HEC resets strategic direction of higher education

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has decided to reset the “strategic direction” of higher education to bring improvement to the sector. An official letter dated October 23 addressed to all…

SOE conundrum: To be, or not to be…

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have become a subject of heated debate in Pakistan, with conflicting opinions on their impact. Detractors argue that SOEs drain national resources through inefficiencies and misappropriation, while…

Addressing energy poverty

Pakistani citizens are grappling with the alarming reality of their energy expenses. The range is noted to hover between 30% and 40% of their incomes for the recent fiscal year.…