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A question of justice : Part – II

Whenever a calamity hits Pakistan, we listen to the same old arguments like ‘no government on earth could have mitigated the impact of the 2022 floods’ or ‘this is a…

Administration of justice

Late Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi, in his famous poem 'stone' said: "there is a stone of the statute of justice too, but that can be carved only with the axe of…

Justice for Noor

She was raped, beaten, and beheaded like thousands every year – so why is Noor’s case important for the future of women’s rights in Pakistan? Noor Mukadam’s family and loved…

Mobs, morality and ‘justice’

Over the years, Sialkot has earned a name for itself for its bustling medical equipment and sports goods industries. Supplying to more than fifty countries, the two industries contribute over…

Whither justice?

‘JUSTICE and accountability’. These were, among others, the demands of the 150 or so demonstrators who gathered near the seaside in Karachi last Sunday. There is a paucity of both…

No justice, no peace

A FRIEND reminded me on Sunday morning that our friendship has been going strong for 40 years. Not a mean feat for two single women who haven’t lived in the…

Due process and justice

There is a debate going on around a lawyer’s right to choose their client and a client’s right to counsel irrespective of the crime committed. But like every complex issue…