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Will Covid-19 deal US malls a mortal blow?

As they gradually reopen, US shopping malls are requiring masks and implementing social distancing policies in hopes of convincing customers that they can shop safely in the coronavirus era. But…

Public policy and human behaviour

Trouble comes in threes. Extreme measures produce extreme behavior. Fear and panic are breeding grounds of reactivity. These phrases all seem to be true for today’s world. Coronavirus may have…

Budget Speech 2020-21

Mr. Speaker, 1. I start my submissions with the name of Allah Almighty, the most gracious, the most merciful. It is a matter of great honour and pleasure for me…

Reality in adversity

When the chips are down chinks are exposed. The coronavirus pandemic has tested the strongest, the richest, the wisest and the optimist. Levels of resolve, commitment, courage, compassion are all…

Restoring planetary balance

We are living on the planet as if we have another one to go to.” Terry Swearingen. A statement that is apt to our attitude about planet earth. The only…

Pakistan Day musings

Pakistan Day, March 23, 2020, passed this year in novel fashion. The coronavirus pandemic caused the cancellation of the traditional military parade on the day as well as the proliferation…