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Health expenditure and choices

HENRY Ford, when unveiling the Model T, was asked why he developed an automobile without consulting public demand. His response, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would…

AI-powered learning

The time has come to revolutionize our education system by replacing traditional school, college, university and Ph.D. programs with a more modern, skill-focused approach driven by artificial intelligence, virtual technology,…

Remembering Ahmad Saleem

Ahmad Saleem, a luminary in the realm of Urdu and Punjabi literature and poetry, left an indelible mark on Pakistan’s social and political landscape. He was a mentor to many…

How to reform trade

Pakistan’s economy faces a pivotal juncture, marked by the imperative need to reassess its import tariff structure. Recent trade data underscores the urgency for policy reforms to stimulate economic growth,…

Output: uptick, downtick or …

This is the first of a two-part series focusing on the significant divergence in calculation of Gross Domestic Product by the government and the international donors. And the possibility of…

Fall in industrial production

The estimate of the 0 of Manufacturing (QIM) for the month of July 2023 has recently been released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. The decline in production observed in 2022-23…

Worst is yet to come

Inflation and purchasing power erosion pinch is now reflected in volumetric sales’ reduction in products and sectors where double digit growth used to be a norm until just a few…

This crisis is a moment: Part – IV

The federation needs to ensure policy continuity, transparent bidding, honouring of agreements and contracts, obligations being timely honoured and regulator interfering only when self-monitoring fails. For now, shifting peak demand…