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Pakistan’s economy and border security

In the seminar in Karachi on Wednesday on the subject "Interplay of Economy and Security" by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) in collaboration with the Federation of the Pakistan Chambers…

Gender, security and development — II

Many African and Latin American states have faced these crises. Presently, the Indian policies of repression in Jammu and Kashmir are a vivid example of women torture, rape and widowhood.…

Food security in the age of Covid-19

There never was any lockdown in the country’s agricultural sector. And from the way the NCC and NCOC have been carrying out, their respective efforts over the last two months…

Gender, security and development — I

February 8, 2020 was celebrated as International Women’s Day. Women marches were held throughout the world and in Pakistan’s major cities in highlighting the growing awareness of women’s role in…

From state security to human security

IAs per claims, the National Security Policy (NSP) has finally been formulated for the first time in 74 years – without, however, taking parliament into confidence. Traditional military security has…

National security policy

A nation’s national security policy (NSP) is a national vade mecum or ‘grand national strategy’ which helps draft various sectoral strategies or policies which lead to operational strategies and action…

Issues in farm economy and related markets

‘Before the coronavirus outbreak, food insecurity was already a severe problem. More than 820 million people – one in every nine – do not have enough to eat. Of these,…

Call for holistic plans to address cyber security challenges

Speakers at a five-day Hands-on Network Security training and workshop emphasized upon strengthening of national cyber security capabilities through development and well-coordinated mechanisms, implementation of security standards and regulations under…