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Murdering minorities

In a bold and defiant recent book, This Land Is Our Land: An Immigrant’s Manifesto (2019), Suketu Mehta has written a deeply erudite defence of global migrants and refugees who…

Talking Turkey

WHEN the UAE-Israel deal was annou­n­ced, the two Middle Eastern countries that most vociferously condemned it were Turkey and Iran. While Iran’s position is consistent with its policies, and informed by the…

Fait accompli

SAY there’s this couple who have been dating each other for years, but who have always denied any such relationship despite the fact that they’re always seen in cosy corners,…

Pakistan and the Afghan peace process

On December 2, the government of Afghanistan and the Taliban announced that they had made a breakthrough in the Intra-Afghan Dialogue. The two parties have concluded a written agreement that…

China syndrome

IN 2011, the term ‘Asian Pivot’ first entered the American political lexicon. This was the name given to the US plan to refocus on ties with East Asian states and…

A loose cannon supreme leader

Hell hath no fury like Nawaz Sharif ousted from power. Disqualified in a Panama Papers scandal related case and facing corruption references in a NAB accountability court, he has been…

Reviving The Peace Talks

Reviving the peace talks

Following an informal meeting between the Taliban’s Qatar office representatives and the US chief negotiator Zalmay Kahlilzad in Islamabad, both sides have shown willingness to revive the stalled peace talks.…