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Beyond Dreams

Beyond dreams

An op-ed article, advising President Barack Obama to accord recognition to Pales­­tine before he left office, appeared out of the blue some days ago in the New York Times. Authored…

World In Flux

World in flux

Influential contemporary thinker and author George Friedman observed that the modern geopolitical world changes after every 20 years. Towards the end of the 19th century, European ascendancy was complete. By…

Trump’s Reckless Peace Plan

Trump’s reckless peace plan

Holding good on his campaign promises in the very first week of his presidency, Donald Trump has issued a clutch of executive orders involving controversial issues, including building of the…

Plane Crash Prolongs Egypt’s Economic Misery

Plane crash prolongs Egypt’s economic misery

Egypt's latest air disaster is another crushing blow to a country whose tourism-dependent economy is struggling to recover from years of jihadist attacks and political turmoil, analysts said. The crash…

The Arab Winter As ‘morbid Symptom’

The Arab winter as ‘morbid symptom’

The title of Gilbert Achcar’s latest book ‘Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising’ (2016) is derived from Gramsci’s ‘Prison Notebooks’: “The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the…

Another Spring

Another spring

Egypt’s January 25, 2011 uprising is history, and – depending on how upcoming five-year anniversary protests play out – so may be the uprising’s aspirations for “bread, freedom, and social…