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With Pence salvo, US declares full-on China rivalry

In the buzzwords of George W. Bush's administration, China needed to become a "responsible stakeholder." For Barack Obama, China had an interest in embracing "the rules-based international order." President Donald…

Sindh’s Political Temperature

Sindh’s political temperature

The PPP leadership is confident about its development work in Sindh and believes that the party will be rewarded with another electoral victory. In an attempt to sell Sindh as…

Fissures In The Political Class

Fissures in the political class

The reactions of politicians and the public for and against the Supreme Court verdict on the disqualification of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif reflect the way the political community is divided…

New Arrival

New arrival

The divisive and badly controversial polls 2018 have thrown up a plethora of political trends that will shape the national landscape for decades ahead. Among them the more striking one…

From legal means to political ends

The Panama case is a legal measure par excellence. The apex court has heard the case against the chief executive of Pakistan and reserved its decision. The court had previously…

Political Consciousness

Political consciousness

The spectacular victory of the BJP in Uttar Pradesh (UP) has left many flabbergasted, prompting them to question the level of political consciousness among people in India. The ultra-right Hindu…

Return Of A Political Deal-maker

Return of a political deal-maker

In addition to hopes of better, smoother civil-military relations with the new army chief and the head of ISI, handpicked by the prime minister, what other major development will tell…