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Negotiating with terrorists

WHEN it comes to addressing terrorism, the divide between the military and political leadership is stark — the former favours a coercive approach, and the latter a political settlement. This…

Is privatisation the missing link?

In a notable development, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has issued 20-year supplier licenses to seven state-owned power utility companies, collectively known as distribution companies (DISCOs). This decision…

What judicial reforms?

Pakistan’s judicial system is mired with inefficiencies, delays and lack of access to justice. Over the years, these issues have undermined public trust and hindered the effective delivery of justice.…

Will scepticism save us?

Imagine a world where the truth feels increasingly fragile, where falsehoods spread faster than facts, and trust in institutions, media, and even one another erodes by the minute. This is…

One step forward,two steps back

As we stand at the threshold of 2025, Pakistan faces a moment of reckoning – a year shaped by the successes and struggles of the past. The contradictions of 2024…

The space debris threat

The International Space Station (ISS) has been featured in several Hollywood movies, from being hijacked by a hostile alien in Life to being ripped apart by space debris in Gravity.…

Global economy: China anchor of stability

Amid numerous challenges faced by the global economy, China, as the world’s second-largest economy, continues to serve as an “anchor of stability” and “source of momentum” for global economic development,…

Connecting with South Asia

PAKISTAN’S bond with South Asian nations is weakening despite shared cultural heritage and historical ties. The enduring India-Pakistan rivalry has also affected Pakistan’s relations with other South Asian countries, especially…

High-stakes reserved seats

RESERVED seats for women and non-Muslims in our legislatures have been a long-standing feature of Pakistan’s political system, but they had never brought the state close to constitutional breakdown —…