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The Cambridge crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic has upended the fragile health and education system in Pakistan. The brewing crisis has put tremendous pressure on archaic systems exposing their inherent weakness and glaring incongruities.…

The Cambridge debacle

On August 11, Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) – formerly CIE – released the much-awaited results for IGCSE and A-level students. This year, I was again among the millions of…

IMF’s anti-corruption role

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is expected to add stricter anti-corruption clauses to its already long list of conditionalities to all its future loan arrangements. The Fund has made promises…

Facts of a slowing economy

THIS government is having an increasingly difficult time producing meaningful outcomes in areas that really matter. The thing about having an objective like revenue collection, for example, as a benchmark…

The Tax Test

The tax test

For the past 10 months of the PTI’s rule, the economy has remained on the centre stage of our media discourse. The reason for that is very simple – the…

Health-sector turnaround

IMRAN Khan won his mandate on the promise of eliminating corruption and promoting good governance in public office. His government’s first 100 days in power are being watched closely with…

A House Of Cards

A house of cards

Economic growth is a function of political stability and consistency of policies, among other things. Being cognisant of this, the PML-N tried to create an ecosystem in the country during…

A Matter Of Investment

A matter of investment

Sustained by a continued flow of foreign funding, the development sector in Pakistan could not effect locally-informed social change. While this is true for most foreign aid-dependent developing nations, Pakistan…