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Ninety years of a full life [Part – II]

In Lahore, the 1960s began with devastating news for all progressive and left-wing activists. Hassan Nasir, a young communist leader, was arrested and tortured to death by the goons of…

Bailouts and national security

Pakistan eagerly await for the IMF to release $1.17 billion that the nation needs to prevent the economy from tumbling into a profound crisis. Just last month, Pakistan reached a…

National Covid-19 Commission

I AM proposing the setting up of a ‘National Covid-19 Commission’. Why? The rearview mirror is an important metaphor for learning and planning. “We drive into the future using only…

IMF and the ‘pseudo’ national govt

With the regime change completed in Pakistan, the geo-politico-economic situation is so fluid and intertwined that any attempt at offering crystal ball predictions can fall like deck of cards once…

Dual nationality

DUAL nationality, according to Pakistani law, devolves naturally to anyone who has been a Pakistani national and his or her progeny, even after they have acquired the nationality of another…

Pakistani tycoons: nationalisation fears

A textile and financial magnate is a Pakistani icon. A risk-taker. A trailblazing entrepreneur. A poster boy for ‘Corporate Pakistan’. He has his ears close to the ground. He hears…

Budgeting for a life with Covid-19

Two of the major burdens on the forthcoming federal budget are likely to be relatively lighter compared to what successive budgets had to bear under these heads over the last…