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Dealing With Banned Groups

Dealing with banned groups

DEALING with militancy might be easy, but dealing with militant groups is not. At least this seems true in Pakistan. The country has achieved significant successes in its war against…

Reclaiming The Original Ideology

Reclaiming the original ideology

Nawaz Sharif is under intense attack by the religious lobby for calling for making Pakistan a ‘liberal’ democratic nation. The chief of the Jamaat-i-Islami wants the prime minister to withdraw…

The Task Ahead

The task ahead

The year gone by was a landmark in the history of Pakistan: militant violence took a steep downward turn. However, the last two weeks of December exposed a new terror…

The Saudi-Iran Showdown

The Saudi-Iran showdown

The escalating tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran over the kingdom’s execution of a prominent Shia cleric has intensified sectarian polarisation in the Middle East. This has far-reaching implications for…

The Threat Is Still There

The threat is still there

AS Pakistan’s militant landscape evolves, we continue to ignore the emerging threats, deeming them insignificant. It seems the security institutions also do not want to shift their focus away from…

External Influences

External influences

IS it not an irony for Saudi Arabia that no major political and religious party of Pakistan is ready to clearly support the kingdom’s stance on Yemen? The smaller religious…

Slapping Around The Subservient Republic

Slapping around the subservient republic

Of all the things that drives reasonable, patriotic Pakistanis up the wall with frustration, perhaps none is so potent as the seemingly complete lack of the Pakistani republic’s will to…

Banning Terror Groups

Banning terror groups

Last Friday, the finance minister must have heaved a sigh of relief. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) — a global body tasked with monitoring every country’s legislative and regulatory…

Tail Wagging The Dog

Tail wagging the dog

In the wake of the North Waziristan operation, the army chief’s ‘successful’ US visit and the military’s insistence that ‘all forms’ of terrorism will be taken on, reputed analysts have…

More Room For Militants

More room for militants

Going by the recent Al Qaeda attack on a jail in Al Mukalla, a major city in the Hadramaut coastal region in Yemen, it is amply clear who will be…