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Pakistan Army – the paradigm shift

The Pakistan Army has faced many crises since 1947 because of some of its own dynamics; others were forced or imposed upon it because of international dynamics. We live in…


Turkish epic TV serial Dirils Ertugrul, made on the life of a 13th century nomad tribal warrior, has taken the non-Arab Muslim world by storm. There are however historical, political…

Budget speech 2021-22

The full text of budget speech of Minister for Finance and Revenue Shaukat Tarin that he delivered in the National Assembly on Friday, June 11, 2021 Bismillahir-Rehmanir-Rahim Mr. Speaker, 1.…

OIC conference on Afghanistan

The 57-member Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) met in Islamabad on December 19, 2021 to discuss the Afghanistan humanitarian and economic crisis. The OIC decided to set up a Humanitarian…

The abandoned Rohingya

The Rohingya are a Muslim ethnic minority in Myanmar. Descendants of Arab traders, these people have a distinct language and different cultures from the Buddhist community. In 1982, the Myanmar…

University rankings

Recently, a number of Pakistani universities made the headlines when the UK’s Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021 included them in its list of Top 1,000 universities. Among the…

The continuing foreign policy catastrophe

Appeasement of India, paralysis, vacillation, attack on diplomats, and loudspeaker diplomacy – all this and more has characterised the Imran Khan (IK) regime’s foreign policy in the last three years.…

Afghan refugees: what does the law say?

If this happens, Pakistan will face the biggest brunt of it as before. The federal interior minister has made a statement that Pakistan will not open up its borders to…

Setting national standards

After a long haul, this month’s (April 7) decision by the Council of Common Interest (CCI) to have uniform food standards in the whole country might be a step in…

The Pontiff and the Ayatollah

In a region often seen through the prism of recurring nasty conflict based on a religious divide, the coming together of leaders of two opposing faiths must qualify as more…