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Oil prices and efficient buying

The government has increased petroleum prices by Rs30 per litre. The increase is uniform against all products. There was much talk about some subsidy mechanism for the poor (motorcycles and…

The rising oil prices

In Pakistan, petroleum prices were raised yet again to Rs248.74 per litre for petrol and Rs 276.54 for diesel. This is the fourth time petroleum prices have been raised in…

Deregulating the oil sector — II

The two biggest risks are demand-supply manipulation, creating shortages and manipulate prices. Shortages can be countrywide by importing or procuring less or in inner locations. In OECD countries, there is…

Will low oil prices sustain?

New price of gasoline is 230.24 Rs/liter (7.44% decrease) and diesel’s is 236 Rs/L (14.66% decrease). Gasoline’s price has been reduced by 18.5 Rs/L and HSD’s by 40.54 Rs/L. Pakistan…

Oil price rise

There are two recent and important developments that are worth discussion. Firstly, petrol prices were increased on 1st July once again — the 4th rise in the last 35 days…