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View Point:The Question Of National Honour

View Point:The question of national honour

It could happen only in Pakistan. With a valid Canadian visa stamped on his passport, a sitting member of Parliament, Sheikh Rashid Ahmad, had just embarked a Toronto-bound flight of…

State Honour

State honour

In recent years, as honour killings have occurred in western cultures there has begun to be an exploration of the psychology behind them, and herein may lie some clues as…

Beyond the slogan

The persistence of slogans promoting women’s empowerment in Pakistan, where women continue to face physical, emotional, and mental harassment, reflects both the struggle for progress and the barriers that persist.…

Family at high noon

FREE of the burden of defending and explaining government policies and actions, Khawaja Asif spoke candidly about his own party. In a recent interview, he agreed the senior leadership of the…

Right to murder

IMAGINE a land not too long ago, and certainly not too far away: a special place. It is weak, it is fraught, it is violent — but then, so are…

Cycle of shame

SEPTEMBER marked suicide prevention awareness month, while Oct 10 was World Mental Health Day. As hesitant as we are to speak about them, incidents of self-harm linked to mental health…

‘We’re worth it’

LATELY, I’ve been wondering what I’m worth. I don’t mean this just from a self-esteem perspective or a religious one. I’m thinking, instead, of how much my life is worth…

Women dying everywhere

THIS year, just like every year, UN Women is commemorating 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence from Nov 25 to Dec 10. This annual observance is meant to focus…

Unsafe spaces

VIOLENCE against women takes many forms — including rape, murder, sexual harassment, domestic violence and child and forced marriages — and is prevalent in Pakistan. Women are not safe in…

World News Day

IN 1896, The New York Times introduced on its masthead the words which went on to become not only its own manifesto but also set the standard by which other…