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Economy is the victim

Economic stability is dependent upon political and social stability. While only economic stability is the major element that can give to any society, social sturdiness. No economy can be stable…

How the world has changed—II

The above (carried in the first part of this two-part article) appears to paint a rather bleak picture of the future for investors. However, in the continuum of human history…

Leadership in the midst of Covid-19

The real test of leadership or the character of a leader emerges only when faced with challenges emanating from the unknown. In the last quarter of 2019, all of us…

Covid-19 and ‘disaster capitalism

Shock and awe are actions that create fears, dangers, and destruction that are incomprehensible to the people at large, specific elements/sectors of the threat society, or the leadership. Nature in…

Signs of recovery

There is a lot of optimism about the economy today. The Prime Minister has said that the economy is at the 'tipping point'. Various Ministers and Advisors have highlighted positive…