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Parliament on ventilator

Pakistan is witnessing economic and political turmoil of an unprecedented scale and nature. State institutions and regulatory bodies no longer function independently due to the mounting pressure from the vacillating…

Women in politics

The Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN)’s report, ‘Women Parliamentarians Performance 2018-2019’, evaluated the performance of women parliamentarians in Pakistan by focusing on their contribution to parliamentary business. The study…

Powering the voter

The countdown to the July 25 election is on. While the political parties and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) are busy setting schedules for election preparations voter preparation and…

The July 25 vote

Vote is the ultimate voice of the people. Choice of whom you prefer to represent you is the voice that counts. The count of that voice determines the future leadership…

Pressure and parliament

Prime Minister Imran Khan is not happy with the opposition parties for staging walkouts, disturbing parliamentary proceedings with protests, and wasting taxpayers’ money. In one of his recent tweets, the…



Pakistan polls are messy affairs, and the 2013 general elections were no exception. The aftermath — with the chaar halkas, paintees punctures and 126-day dharna — created a political crisis…

Revision Of Electoral Rolls

Revision of electoral rolls

Pakistan has the seventh largest voters’ registry in the world. The Election Commission of Pakistan, which updates this registry regularly, deserves praise for managing the task. In fact, the ECP…

Elite Democracy

Elite democracy

Do we have a government of the people, by the people, for the people? No. It is of the rich, by the poor, for the rich. The poor are a…