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Danish recipe

TO prevent radicalisation and extremism, Denmark drafted an action plan (AP) in 2014 with four priority areas and 12 initiatives. The main aims were improving the effectiveness of preventive interventions…

Can we fight Zionism, not Jews?

ANYONE who is familiar with the history of Spain under Muslim rule before the 1492 Catholic pushback — and there’s an excellent body of work on the theme by Tariq…

War or peace

THE world is divided into two spheres, ie the ‘House of Peace’, which includes countries running their governance systems according to Islamic principles, and the ‘House of War’, where Muslims…

Dangerous arena

THE withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan had been widely anticipated, with hopes of improved security and peace to follow. Such hopes were quickly dashed. Instead, we saw the US…

Future of Pakistan

“For a revolution to break out, it is not enough for the lower classes to refuse to live in the old way; it is necessary also that the upper classes…

Wider aperture to a truer world

RENOWNED actor Amitabh Bachchan made unusually bold observations recently about the problems with film censorship in India. He spoke of the perennial hardball played between filmmakers and the state since…

A world sacrificed at Israel’s altar

IT isn’t concealed from the keen observer of politics that the Five Eyes Anglosphere created the modern state of Israel in 1948, which in turn birthed the Hamas as a…

Compete and contain

ON the eve of the 20th Chinese Communist Party congress, which later confirmed a historic third term for President Xi Jinping, the US announced its National Security Strategy, reiterating its overwhelming priority is…

The big picture

HAVE you watched a show, movie, press conference and then heard someone talk about it and wondered whether you both saw the same thing? It is not about having different…

Lebanese recipe

THE adoption of the Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism (PVE) by the UN General Assembly in 2016 set the momentum for drafting of plans and strategies by a…