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New Horizons In Energy Sector – I

New horizons in energy sector – I

GENERAL It appears the writer has attempted to give a positive projection of the "already collapsed" energy sector. In the current energy crisis which has now become unmanageable, this is…

New Horizons In Energy Sector – II

New horizons in energy sector – II

Freeing petroleum prices: On petroleum pricing, we have come full circle, having come back where we started from in 2008. In 2008, former Justice Bhagwandas made waves, while discovering and…

Energy Sector

Energy sector

In the last article of this series, we demonstrated through the case study of a wind power project the inadequacies in the current regulatory practices. Some problems are operational, while…

New Horizons In Energy Sector – III

New horizons in energy sector – III

Petroleum products prices were raised on 1st September amid a visible protestation by political parties, consumers and others. In this space, we will elaborate and discuss certain policy issues on…

No Results In Energy Sector

No results in energy sector

The year 2010 has begun on depressing note as Pakistan continues to suffer from the worst energy crisis in its history. The crisis that was triggered in 2006 has affected…

Energy Sector Mismanagement And The RPPs

Energy sector mismanagement and the RPPs

Rental power projects (RPPs) have once again resurfaced as a heatedly debated topic in this country in spite of the matter being sub judice. The original protagonists namely Faisal Saleh…

Export sector: prohibitive energy costs

If the economy is to be stabilized, exports can no longer afford to pay for the energy sector’s failures and inefficiencies, and the government’s social obligations. Power tariffs in Pakistan…

Private Sector’s Role In Energy

Private sector’s role in energy

The energy crisis, now into its sixth year, continues to intensify. The ultimate responsibility for the energy crisis rests with the policymaking circles because they are in the driving seat.…

The unraveling of power sector

Power sector is by far the most poorly performing sector of the economy – a sector that compromises the competitiveness of our industries, those that cater solely to domestic consumption…