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No surprises

The technical agreement reached between the IMF and Pakistan does not carry any surprises except, of course, the matter about market determining the exchange rate. But over the last several…

A man’s world

IT wasn’t a particularly sensitive choice of words when the Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, declared on Monday that his government would henceforth look towards women through a “fresh lens”.…

Palestine under attack

Israeli war planes continued to bomb different residential areas of Gaza on the first day of Eidul Fitr, while in different Israeli cities, extreme rightwing racist mobs continued to attack…

Shadow of spring

HISTORY, when it happens, tends to take you by surprise. This is especially true of the often violent upheavals that revolutions bring with them, and as far as those are…

The enlightenment of Waris Mir – Part II

Waris Mir pointed out in his writings that as long as Muslim societies used rationality and reason, they were paramount, and as soon as they embraced irrational thinking and worked…

IMF lending — Pakistan vs Egypt

Ever since the IMF rolled out its current programme in Pakistan, the global lending agency’s programme for Egypt has been under intense discussions. The IMF rolled out, in 2016, a…

Tourism Shows Signs Of Recovery In Egypt

Tourism shows signs of recovery in Egypt

Tourists are slowly returning to Egypt, easing pressure on a key sector battered by years of turmoil and the 2015 bombing of a plane carrying Russian holidaymakers."There is an increase…