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Pakistan’s (mis)leading economic indicator

The upward movement of the stock market, such as the KSE-100, usually leads to optimism among businesses, statisticians and policymakers. They celebrate these figures as the sign of a national…

Reimagining governance

One of the frameworks that has been most influential in shaping my understanding of governance has been the Capability, Accountability and Responsiveness or CAR framework, developed in the early 2000s…

Pakistan’s economic reckoning

The annual and spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank (WB) are key events for the global economic community. These meetings, attended by high-level officials…

A new approach to governance

Shortly after securing the last tranche of around $1.1 billion as part of the 24th staff-level agreement with the IMF last month, the country is eyeing another such engagement (bringing…

Provincial economic policy

As the new provincial governments are finding their feet in a rather very difficult economic environment, it is important to fix the problems at the root. This means setting aside…

The challenge of governance

Governance and politics in Pakistan are bound in a dialectic of principal contradiction wherein the demands of politics and governance come into direct conflict due to the nature of politics.…

Pakistan’s promising economic outlook

The finance division’s ‘monthly economic outlook report’ for the month of November reveals that Pakistan’s economy is on a gradual but promising path of recovery. The country has witnessed a…