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The trouble with technology

AN important global debate is underway about the disruptive impact of new technology. There is no doubt modern technology has been a force for good and responsible for innumerable positive…

‘Ana Dammi Filasteeni’

Palestinians breed and bleed and advertise their misery — Ruth Wisse, Harvard Professor SUPPOSE an enemy country were, God forbid, to besiege Lahore, mercilessly bombard its trapped civilians, kill hundreds…

Pemra’s censorship

A REGULATOR that is supposed to be independent continues to play its biased role of censoring political voices that fall out of favour with the establishment. Whereas the role of…

Enduring hope

Resilience and adaptability have been hallmarks of Pakistani society. No matter what hell befalls us, history bears witness to our unwavering hope and courage in facing new realities, whether in…

Capital suggestion: China or US?

The geopolitical rivalry between the United States and China is intensifying. For Pakistan, this intensification is reducing the scope for neutrality. Consequence 2: Both powers are likely to increasingly seek…

News on the go

Like the other facets of life, the news media industry has not remained stagnant due to rapid digitalization and internet penetration. The mainstream news media has traditionally been seen as…

An ill-advised law

Much has been said about the Punjab Defamation Act of 2024 which has already been passed by the Punjab Assembly on May 20. It is a bad law and should…

Who’s afraid of free speech?

When they are not in power, they want no restrictions on media. But when they take charge, they make efforts to muzzle electronic, print and social media. That is the…

National education emergency

In large-scale systems (such as in mega corporations or governments of large countries like Pakistan) with many, many thousands of moving parts, it is always extremely difficult to tell signal…

How to tell what’s true online

The wars in the Middle East, South Sudan and Ukraine have heightened global tensions and deepened crises in the areas of peace and security, sustainable development and climate change. One…