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Climate action and global security

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres recently warned: “Present trends are racing our planet down a dead-end three-degree temperature rise”. He is right. Unless we act decisively – beginning at the…

Expectations from COP28

The twenty-eighth annual UN conference on climate change (COP28), hosted by the UAE in Dubai from November 30 – December 12 will grapple with a daunting agenda concerning the most…

The BRF vision

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Conceived initially as One Belt One Road, its subsequent expansion across diverse regions led to its rebranding…

Important global economic challenges

Decades of neoliberal assault of advocating greater market fundamentalism, and lesser government regulation produced a global financial and economic order with serious resilience, and equity issues, which were glaringly exposed,…

Capacity payments conundrum

The matter of increased capacity payments to power plants has sparked a heated controversy. In recent years, these payments have more than doubled, from 1,082 billion rupees to nearly 2,153…

The finance question

With COP28 only three months away, there is much noise in the climate finance arena. The landmark Africa climate summit (Sep 4-6) along with the ‘Africa Climate Week’ recently concluded…