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Sitting ducks

WHAT is common between the Pakistan Engineering Council and parrots? Other than the fact that they begin with the letter ‘P’, both are capable of issuing statements from time to…

Irresponsible words

IF one undertakes to irrigate land in the middle of a desert it would cost millions but if it is to be done on the bank of a river, the…

Absolutely not…

EVERY government in Pakistan has had a pet project or slogan to gain traction in the public. For PML-N it has been motorways and other infrastructure projects; for PPP the…

India’s nuclear recklessness – Part I

Within one month two stories of illegal possession and sale of uranium being caught by Indian police have surfaced. Of course, any attempt to smuggle radioactive material must be a…

Work-related stress

ON July 29, 2019, a man travelling in his chauffeur-driven car asked the driver to pull up as it approached a bridge for he wanted to take a little stroll.…

Unsung heroes

“NO matter what we do, nobody loves us,” said a friend, currently serving as a deputy commissioner. I asked him the reason behind his pessimistic statement, and he went on…

Engineering delays

IMAGINE what would have happened if the contract for the construction of the Taj Mahal in Agra had been awarded in accordance with Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) rules and…

Suicide or murder?

FOR an accused in Pakistan, redemption lies in the ability to plead your innocence in front of those who matter. Sadly, they are not the courts because, had it been…

Silencing dissent

In October, anti-police brutality activists in Nigeria used online platforms to raise awareness of and call for the dissolution of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), an infamous police unit accused…

Nigerian protests

Since early October, Nigerians – mostly in their 20s and 30s – have taken to the streets to voice their anger over police brutality, corruption and the incompetence of the…