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Did reason fail or‘men of reason’?

The age of reason, rationality, and science, a gift of the European Renaissance, seems under attack from critics who argue that the modern world has not lived up to mankind’s…

The system is not clean

The Suthra Punjab Campaign was initiated with the noble aim of improving sanitation standards across Punjab. However, the campaign’s implementation has been criticized for its focus on superficial measures rather…

Marx, Judaism and Palestine

During the Trojan War proverbially fought for the beauty of Helen though the monopoly of the commercial routes was the dominant motive, Laocoon, the priest who warned the Trojans not…

The budget as an enemy weapon

“Pakistanis are being forced to tighten their belts to make up for several years of irresponsible economic management, which has left public finances in a mess.” This was the opening…

Modi 3.0

Modi had been flying too close to the sun. While now his rise has come to a halt, he will continue to rule the country for another five years –…

External-internal conundrums

Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has demanded in a press conference that the Afghan Taliban government arrest, prosecute and hand over the terrorists of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) based on…

Square peg, round hole

Pakistan’s present economic and social machinery from IPPs to BISP lies littered with good intentions gone bad. Giles Firmin’s ‘The Real Christian’ has a line which fits us like a…

The year through the haze

This year that has almost gone by has brought with it many events which are seen as insignificant in the eyes of websites and organizations that document these events. In…

The UAE’s success story

When the United Arab Emirates (UAE) observes its Founding Day on December 2, it will be celebrating an unusual success story in the Arab and Muslim world. The UAE’s population…