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Criminal Neglect Of Children

Criminal neglect of children

By taking suo motu notice of the grave violence against three little girls, two allegedly tortured by their employers and the third raped, badly wounded and thrown in a drain,…

Childhood Stunting

Childhood stunting

Childhood stunting is the physical manifestation of profound mental and developmental delays in growth. Technically, it is defined as the height for a child’s age below the fifth percentile on…

On Secret Marriages

On secret marriages

It happens far more often than anyone is willing to admit or acknowledge. A woman who is a widow, or whose family owes a debt, or who has caught the…

The Ulema’s Marriage Preoccupation

The ulema’s marriage preoccupation

The one progressive piece of legislation passed in our history was Ayub Khan’s Family Laws Ordinance, 1963. It proclaimed the birth of no women’s revolution but merely put some brakes,…

Rights Of The Child

Rights of the child

On Nov 20, 1989, the world agreed that rights of children needed to be protected. The resulting Convention on the Rights of the Child is ratified by a record 191…

First-cousin Marriages

First-cousin marriages

Last year I wrote on the topic of thalassaemia, to which I received many positive reactions. Because of the importance of this disease and its relationship to first-cousin marriages, I…

Climate and human rights

Climate change and human rights are deeply interconnected in numerous ways. Climate-induced disasters often create situations that foster human rights violations, disproportionately affecting vulnerable groups who become more prone to…

Population in 2024

Pakistan, the fifth most populous country in the world, bids farewell to 2024 – and yet the unfinished population growth business concerns politicians, leaders, academics, and development practitioners. As the…

Upended by climate

A NEW global stocktaking report released today by Unicef shows that climate change is impacting almost every aspect of child health and well-being, from pregnancy to adolescence. Nowhere is the…