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Accountability And The Sins Of Omissions

Accountability and the sins of omissions

Accountability has two components: answering for the sins of commission and subsequently for the sins of omission. Some time back, the press reported that transactional corruption costs the country Rs10…

The audacity of Accountability

How dare you? Stay in your limits? This is none of your business? What is your problem? Who are you to ask? And so on and so forth. Outrage is…

No More Military Courts

No more military courts

Accprding to official sources, the government has decided to table a bill to extend the ‘exceptional’ use of military courts for another three years. Reportedly, the draft amendment would give…

The History Of Accountability

The history of accountability

Public spectacles of humiliation for rulers have always had an appeal in the popular imagination. It is a moment in which the world seems to have been turned upside down,…

Secret Judicial Accountability

Secret judicial accountability

As the Supreme Court is presently seized of the Panama leaks’ issue, often portrayed as the ‘greatest example of corruption’ and raised to a level akin to a ‘national security…

Dubious Accountability

Dubious accountability

The accountability law of Pakistan was promulgated by Gen Pervez Musharraf a few weeks after seizing power. It was intended to provide legal justification for the coup d’état. The pretext…

Governance And Accountability

Governance and accountability

International experience and history inform that public sector governance and accountability hold key position to achieve growth, development, and prosperity. However, in Pakistan, the dialogue remains focused narrowly on corruption…

Pursuing Accountability

Pursuing accountability

An ever-expanding archive of unanswered injustices is attributed to the police. Public discourse, generally, describes the police as a case of a rotten basket or a poisoned tree producing bad…

Judicial Accountability

Judicial accountability

“The real threats to independence of judiciary are from within — stemming from the personality of the judge himself”. — Justice Asif Saeed Khosa. AN interesting aspect of media and political…

Year Of Judicial Accountability

Year of judicial accountability

Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali has declared the year 2015-2016 as the year of judicial accountability. Judicial independence has long been a flashpoint in Pakistan, as illustrated by the movement…