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Law’s Makers And Breakers

Law’s makers and breakers

Democratic values are taking roots in Pakistan, as is evident from the recent successful completion of a democratic government, as also the role of the media, judiciary and civil society…

In Search Of True Representation

In search of true representation

On June 8, 2012, the Supreme Court of Pakistan in its judgement in the case of Workers' Party Pakistan through Akhtar Hussain, Advocate, General Secretary and 6 others v Federation…

Rocking The Republic

Rocking the republic

A major religious party leader was unable to recite the sixth kalma. A Wharton MBA was able to successfully belt out the Fajr azaan. There were questions to candidates about…

What Is On Offer On The Economic Front?

What is on offer on the economic front?

The manifestoes of the two major parties namely the PML (N) and the PPP have been released amidst much fanfare. One question uppermost in the minds of analysts is: given…

The Zardari Legacy

The Zardari legacy

For the past four decades the PPP has thrived on the enduring Bhutto legacy. But it is the Zardari legacy on which the party is likely to be judged in…

Good On Intentions…

Good on intentions…

Part of being a concerned citizen is to be well informed and, as I belong to the 18-35 age demographic that is going to cast its vote for the first…