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Change The Policy

Change the policy

I hate having to take off my shoes to go through airport security, don’t you? It’s really annoying, time-consuming and embarrassing (if you are like me and have holes in…

The LNG Scam Or Non-scam?

The LNG scam or non-scam?

LNG is again in the news; firstly a high-level Pakistani delegation went to Qatar in the hope of getting a direct and concessionary LNG deal from government of Qatar; secondly,…

Elizabeth L. Littlefield: A Profile

Elizabeth L. Littlefield: a profile

Elizabeth L. Littlefield was appointed by President Obama as the President and CEO of OPIC, the US Government's Development Finance Institution. Operating in 105 countries, OPIC manages a $16 billion…

The Game-changer

The game-changer

Amidst a deteriorating security situation, the acute energy crisis and a crumbling economy, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif visited China and successfully concluded agreements for cooperation on crucial issues like energy…

Dam-ned If We Don’t

Dam-ned if we don’t

When it comes to economic issues, our leaders have time and again placed personal politics and vested interests ahead of the national economy. To illustrate our apathy, consider the case…

Energy Relief

Energy relief

The government has formulated a new Energy Policy, which is yet to be announced, with focus on increasing power generation capacity to 26,800 MW within three years. Reportedly, the policy…

Confronting Economic Challenges

Confronting economic challenges

Pakistanis are entitled to congratulations on their courage and will to install a democratic government in Pakistan. Despite all threats people from all walks of life participated in elections and…

Anchoring KP Province

Anchoring KP province

I learnt there is just one flight per week from Lahore to Peshawar and it returns three days later. This prompted an investigation of how Peshawar is connected to the…

Obama Connects With African Youth

Obama connects with African youth

US President Barack Obama was met Saturday with songs, cheers and laughter from young South Africans at a university in the Soweto area of Johannesburg. Before he entered the room,…