The strategic agenda
The present flows from the past, and the future will emerge from the present. Syria’s sectarian war: The headline issue today and in the near future is likely to be…
The present flows from the past, and the future will emerge from the present. Syria’s sectarian war: The headline issue today and in the near future is likely to be…
Winds of change are blowing across Pakistan. With the advent of the New Year, there is a twinkle of hope in many eyes that 2013 will mean the beginning of…
After 20 years of sliding backwards, Somalia has taken a step in the right direction. Together with international efforts and adoption of a new federal constitution by the 825-member Assembly…
Pakistan’s middle class is understandably the socioeconomic group most disencPohanted with Pakistan’s governance status. The upper class, free from the worries of making a living, actually benefits from the current…
Even after six decades, the people of GilgitBaltistan continue to suffer in constitutional limbo despite their unconditional accession to Pakistan. In spite of efforts to integrate with Pakistan, the people…
Foreign aid evokes much scepticism in Pakistan. Many argue that it creates dependence, undermines sovereignty, increases debt, encourages corruption and discourages local initiative. They find Pakistan`s use of foreign aid…
A series of crises in 2011 set the tone for US-Pakistan interaction in 2012; these included Raymond Davis’ shooting of two Pakistanis and Bin Laden’s killing. However, it was the…
Shrugging off its traditional reliance for foreign-exchange earnings on jute goods and tea, Bangladesh has economically made giant strides, with home remittances and garment manufacturing giving momentum to a whole…
On the 27th of December, 2012, Benazir Bhutto's fifth death anniversary, a major political event took place with Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addressing those who came to pay their respects to…
Not a day passes in Pakistan without some reference being made to the importance of institutional stability and the breakdown in the institutional development. These references take on a phraseology…