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PSEs: A Reform Agenda

PSEs: a reform agenda

Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways are Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) just like our national flag carrier - the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA). Apparently, the ownership structure of PIA and these…

Difficult To Compare

Difficult to compare

How do you compare the economic track record and performance of one government with another? For example, if we want to determine whether or not the present government’s economic track…

Repaying Our Debts

Repaying our debts

At a recording last year for a PTV programme on the state of the economy, Gen Hamid Gul, a fellow co- panellist, argued for the repudiation of Pakistan’s external debt,…

Beyond Reform?

Beyond reform?

Since the start of World Bank funded Tax Administration Reforms Programme (TARP), FBR has been making tall claims about its automation efforts. All the chairmen of FBR, who headed the…

What Did Mujib Want?

What did Mujib want?

During a parliamentary debate, Aitzaz Ahsan once chided his friend, late Sher Afghan Niazi about December being a difficult month for the Niazis of Mianwali. The remark, quite possibly, might…

IMF And Economy

IMF and economy

Pakistan's economic team has now openly acknowledged that it has begun preliminary talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a new assistance package. The IMF revealed to this paper…

Crime And Terrorism: Financial Challenges – I

Crime and terrorism: Financial challenges – I

INTRODUCTION: This paper seeks to integrate the efforts made by individual group activity members while studying and analysing the manifold directions of money laundering and terrorist financing. The topics assigned…

Muzzling The Whistle-blowers

Muzzling the whistle-blowers

It is typical of the moral degeneracy of our political class that after the exposure of our tax-dodging parliamentarians by a public-spirited journalist, a concerted effort is now being made…

PML-N’s financial wizardry

I am surprised to read the PML-N’s defence of the failed economic policies of George W Bush, advocating their implementation in Pakistan. Zubair Mohmmad in his article titled ‘Bushonomics and…