What the State Bank must do
Monetary statistics give a capsule view of the state of the economy. The monetary aggregates for the July1-Oct 21 period of the current financial year show that broad money (M2)…
Monetary statistics give a capsule view of the state of the economy. The monetary aggregates for the July1-Oct 21 period of the current financial year show that broad money (M2)…
For a term the roots of which can be traced back to classical antiquity, democracy is being bandied about these days with reckless abandon. Everyone from the superior judiciary to…
The decision to re-open transit routes for NATO supplies can be defended on a single count: Pakistan in its current state — dysfunctional economy, social disarray, worn-out infrastructure and, above…
Two overwhelmingly strong passions motivate Pakistani politicians. The first is an insatiable urge for self-projection, and, the second is the vicious denigration of their rivals. It is a hideous zero-sum…
In all societies and in all epochs, human beings have been confronted by disparity. This can be observed in every aspect of life. One can see disparity in economic and…
Every few years the question of the basic structure of the constitution of Pakistan and the limitations of parliament’s power become issues of great public interest. In 2010, it was…
I WILL begin by making two predictions and then offer four suggestions. The predictions are aimed at those who are bewildered by the changes that are occurring in what can…
It takes a special kind of wretched d criticism to feel sorry for Zardari: Cyril Almeida. IT takes a special kind of wretched criticism to feel sorry for Asif Zardari.…
The Supreme Court of India abandoned the persons who were unlawfully detained in the 1976 A.D.M. Jabalpur case during the draconian emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi in 1975. Judicial activism…
Amongst the several manifestations of bad governance, unplanned commercialisation in major cities has emerged as a thorny issue with far-reaching implications. The phenomenon is reflective of systemic limitations in the…