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The Care They Can Take

The care they can take

The constitution is silent on the precise role of the caretaker government. There is a general agreement that the caretaker setup should not take any action that favors one political…

Sordid Story Of Tax Frauds – III

Sordid story of tax frauds – III

During 2003-2007, one tax official used different techniques to issue illegal refunds in several cases without any check by any agency. It was found that the accused official during his…

Allying With Tax Evaders

Allying with tax evaders

"Moralists should address their sermons to the legislators, and not to individuals, because it is in the order of possible things that a virtuous and enlightened man may have the…

New Bailout Package

New bailout package

The government, at the fag end of its tenure, has reportedly invited International Monetary Fund (IMF) for negotiating a three-year bailout programme. It is a rather surprising move, especially its…

Education And Mobility

Education and mobility

When I was in college, our undergraduate classes were allocated on the basis of student roll numbers. We were thus forced to interact with students who did not belong to…

Reko Diq: Technical Knockout?

Reko Diq: technical knockout?

The honourable Supreme Court of Pakistan has finally declared the award of Reko Diq copper project's lease to a foreign joint venture Tethyan as illegal. This almost seals the fate…

Tax, Power Sectors Need Reforms

Tax, power sectors need reforms

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) team visiting Pakistan on a Post Project Monitoring (PPM) mission a couple of weeks ago emphasised yet again the need for power and tax sector…

The Congress And The ‘middle Class’

The Congress and the ‘middle class’

Rahul Gandhi’s elevation as the Congress Party’s vice-president was an organisational non-event. He was already functioning as its Number Two, and dynastically destined to succeed his mother. The appointment’s significance…

Our Informal Economy

Our informal economy

According to the growth diagnostics framework I discussed in one of my previous articles, high taxation is one of the potential candidates for becoming a binding constraint to economic growth…