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Desperation Without Measures

Desperation without measures

Fictitious beliefs, vain demands and radical laws all seem to be inherent in the incumbent government’s plan of action for the foreseeable future. From the infamous Protection of Pakistan Ordinance…

Drivers Of Growth

Drivers of growth

The next budget needs to articulate a vision because a growth revival has become urgent. What should be the contours of this vision and how can it be realised? In…

A Nation’s Narrative

A nation’s narrative

In a recent essay ‘Draws and Drawbacks of Success’ in the New York Times, author Mohsin Hamid discusses the conundrums faced by writers. Questioning the somewhat arbitrary nature of commercial…

How Capitalism Threatens Democracy

How capitalism threatens democracy

It’s a sign of the pathology of much of India’s mainstream media that it displays the rise of the speculative-trader-industrialist Hinduja brothers to the top of Britain’s (not India’s) billionaire…

Bond Market Delusions

Bond market delusions

Pakistan has been on a ‘successful’ borrowing binge of recent. It has raised money from the IMF, multilateral creditors, the Islamic Development Bank, a consortium of international commercial banks, and…

Living Off Daddy’s Wealth

Living off daddy’s wealth

Lack of social mobility is very visible in Pakistan. Political power also seems to be coagulated as the chances of getting elected are tied into traditional wealth, land and family…

For A Stable Exchange Rate

For a stable exchange rate

The recent appreciation of the rupee, despite weak fundamentals, is becoming controversial, with the same interest groups first extolling it as an outcome of good financial management and now complaining…