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Technocratic Turncoats

Technocratic turncoats

Turncoat or ‘lota’ is a familiar word for the people of Pakistan. It is a pejorative commonly used for our politicians who change parties frequently at the altar of ‘national…

An Interim Agenda

An interim agenda

By any standards the interim government, whose outlines are now beginning to appear, has a heavy agenda and a light mandate. This is a bad combination. Here is some of…

The PML-N’s Manifesto

The PML-N’s manifesto

As a matter of principle, election manifestos outline the priorities and goals set by a political party based on a best case scenario. That’s the reason the manifestos abound in…

Minimum Wage Politics

Minimum wage politics

On May 1, 2012, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Yousuf Raza Gilani, announced in front of a charged crowd that the minimum wage in Pakistan was to be raised…

A New IMF Programme

A new IMF programme

The International Monetary Fund team is seemingly all set to revisit Islamabad soon armed with a new programme for our acquiescence, as we struggle to discharge our dues to them…

Tax The Rich

Tax the rich

The Human Development Report 2013 just released by the United Nations Development Programme highlights the rise of the Global South, comprising 130 developing countries, as the main drivers of the…

PTI Settles Ideologically

PTI settles ideologically

Right-wing is used for being conservative and pro-rich in economic policy making as well as being conservative and pro-religion in social policy making. The ‘confused conservatism’, which was taken for…

FATF And AML Compliance Requirements

FATF and AML compliance requirements

1. Legal Measures: Criminalization of Offences, Investigations and Prosecutions: FATF recommendations require Criminalization of money laundering through domestic legislation.1 The recommendations also provide to specify the scope of liability in…

The Office Of Denial

The office of denial

There is a difference between a good and a bad finance minister: the former keeps his nation informed about the true state of the economy and prepares public opinion for…