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An Unexplainable Neglect

An unexplainable neglect

Within a year of PML-N's rule, practically all the political parties seem bent upon its exit - a fate it confronts due to its intoxication with power courtesy its majority…



Lately, enthusiasm over indices and ranking has mushroomed significantly, which perhaps, on the face of it, is justifiable; perceptions matter and good news should definitely be broadcast loudly. The inherent…

Innovation For Development

Innovation for development

In order for Pakistan to emerge from its present problems of massive poverty, hunger, deprivation, joblessness and foreign debt, there is no other way except to tap into our real…

Business Optimisation – The Need Of The Hour

Business optimisation – the need of the hour

Following the country's collapse after the Second World War, Japan's industrial infrastructure was in tatters. In an attempt to restore businesses, and to rebuild Japan's reputation in the international market,…

Modi And Sharif: Corporate Prime Ministers

Modi and Sharif: Corporate prime ministers

I was in New Delhi during the weekend prior to the landmark day when all expectations and anticipations were directed at the next leader of the 1.237 billion Indians. On…