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What Did Mujib Want?

What did Mujib want?

During a parliamentary debate, Aitzaz Ahsan once chided his friend, late Sher Afghan Niazi about December being a difficult month for the Niazis of Mianwali. The remark, quite possibly, might…

Uprooting Terrorism

Uprooting terrorism

Addressing the 65th Independence Day parade at the Pakistan Military Academy Kakul in Abbottabad - a place where Osama bin Laden resided for years before being killed on 2 May…

Tribal Areas

Tribal areas

There was an element of disbelief everywhere when Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani said on December 12 that the military offensive in South Waziristan was almost over and now the…

Capital Suggestion

Capital suggestion

Media, Pakistani as well as American, does not know the truth about the Abbottabad incident. Politicians, Pakistani as well American, also do not know the truth. Neither do our military…

Crime And Terrorism: Financial Challenges – I

Crime and terrorism: Financial challenges – I

INTRODUCTION: This paper seeks to integrate the efforts made by individual group activity members while studying and analysing the manifold directions of money laundering and terrorist financing. The topics assigned…

A Leaf From Turkey’s Book

A leaf from Turkey’s book

The discussion in Turkey on a botched coup attempt some years ago raised some hopes of Pakistan following a similar route. Operation Sledgehammer, as the attempted coup in Turkey was…

The Calculus Of War

The calculus of war

Calculus is a mathematical measurement technique that calculates minute changes occurring in a trend. Military planners spend an enormous time working out the details of an operation. However, they get…

The Strategic Agenda

The strategic agenda

The present flows from the past, and the future will emerge from the present. Syria’s sectarian war: The headline issue today and in the near future is likely to be…

Pushing Afghans To Failure

Pushing Afghans to failure

There have been many strange statements by US senior military officers over the years, and one of the more intriguing came last week from Marine Corps Maj Gen Larry D…

Karzai In Washington

Karzai in Washington

By the time this article appears President Karzai will have arrived in Washington and possibly have had his first round of talks with President Obama and with a now recovered…