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Agenda For The Nation 2013 And Beyond-III

Agenda for the nation 2013 and beyond-III

Over the past five years, extremely bad governance wrought with corruption and compromise in the name of continuity of democracy has brought the country to a disastrous point. This has…

Global Offshore Money Maze

Global offshore money maze

All responsible governments in recent years have shown commitment to retrieving looted money by their citizens, but in Pakistan the PPP-led government during its five-year-tenure (2008-2013) acted as the main…

An Interesting Crossroads

An interesting crossroads

The phrase ‘may you live in interesting times’ is a Chinese curse heaped on an enemy. Frederic Coudert quotes an unknown British diplomat in 1936: “No age has been fraught…

Biogas Potential In Pakistan

Biogas potential in Pakistan

For the last five years, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (MPNR) has been trying to implement a LNG project of a rather small capacity of 400 Billion Cubic Feet…

‘A Harmful Trend In Banking Sector’

‘A harmful trend in banking sector’

Apropos editorial 'A harmful trend in banking sector', I find it necessary to highlight some of the important and relevant missing links that need more attention and clarity. It seems…

Tax Reform, Not Aid Please

Tax reform, not aid please

The BBC has reported that a group of British MPs have asked the British “government to withhold extra aid to Pakistan unless the country does more to gather taxes from…

Real Profit

Real profit

Having concluded in earlier articles that money is an illusion and that inflation is a silent cancer for wealth, this particular part in the series on profit is in a…

Back And Forth

Back and forth

Governance standards of the outgoing government are still under discussion, perhaps also vital to guide the voters in the coming general elections. While analysing their policies one notices some good…

Debt And Fiscal Policy Statements 2012-13

Debt and fiscal policy statements 2012-13

Two important documents, namely, Fiscal Policy Statement and Debt Policy Statement for 2012-13, released on 4th February 2013 by the Debt Policy Co-ordination Office of Ministry of Finance, while expressing…