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Reality And Rhetoric

Reality and rhetoric

“A Sophisticated rhetorician inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity.” Disraeli’s famous description of his opponent Gladstone, on July 27, 1878, has been justly applied to leaders who imagine…

Obama’s Weasel Words

Obama’s weasel words

For those still hopeful for American support for an equitable solution to the Palestinian problem, Obama’s visit to the region would have been a big disappointment. At a press conference…

Asia – The Next Economic Giant?

Asia – the next economic giant?

Post "Great Recession" rates of output and employment growth in Asia surpassed these rates in all other regions. Asian economies have rebounded strongly and became the engine of growth of…

The Strategic Agenda

The strategic agenda

The present flows from the past, and the future will emerge from the present. Syria’s sectarian war: The headline issue today and in the near future is likely to be…