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A Unique Opportunity

A unique opportunity

A parliament is not the best forum for a thoughtful debate on complex issues of foreign and security policy, especially not shortly after a major national disaster has dramatically exposed…

Liberating Faith From The Fringe

Liberating faith from the fringe

Another day, another massacre in the name of the exalted faith. Will this senseless, endless dance of death in the name of all that is holy ever stop? We have…

The Dangers Of New Provinces

The dangers of new provinces

In a country with massive illiteracy coupled, with virtual non-existence of institutions, it is easy to camouflage motives, dodge the electorate, divert attention from the pressing issues of security, lawlessness…

Waiting For Malala To Grow Up

Waiting for Malala to grow up

When the state and the political elite of the country cannot be on the same page even on how best to deal with an existential threat to it, is there…

Crime And Terrorism: Financial Challenges – I

Crime and terrorism: Financial challenges – I

INTRODUCTION: This paper seeks to integrate the efforts made by individual group activity members while studying and analysing the manifold directions of money laundering and terrorist financing. The topics assigned…

Polarisation Blowback

Polarisation blowback

Two interlinked issues have dogged and bedevilled Pakistan’s growth. These are: a) The imperatives of a security state which has resulted in the political domination of the military and the…

No Ordinary Women

No ordinary women

Like any other human being, I am prone to many weaknesses. On the canvas of public discourse in Pakistan, there are big names. They are big because they regularly write…

The UPA’s Great Gamble

The UPA’s great gamble

India’s United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government is launching a massive cash transfer project based on the Aadhaar unique identity (UID) number, in lieu of direct provision of public services.It’s rushing…

Pak-US Ties In 2012

Pak-US ties in 2012

A series of crises in 2011 set the tone for US-Pakistan interaction in 2012; these included Raymond Davis’ shooting of two Pakistanis and Bin Laden’s killing. However, it was the…

Mullah Nazir’s Death Will Change Nothing

Mullah Nazir’s death will change nothing

The death of Mullah Nazir during a drone attack on his vehicle near the Afghan border has come as no surprise to many people, including those from South Waziristan. There…