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The Post-US Order

The post-US order

The US loomed large during Pakistan’s election campaign season as leaders pounded their fists, promising an end to American meddling in Pakistan, a return to sovereignty and a refusal of…

Reconciliation Is The Best Path

Reconciliation is the best path

Nawabzada Changez Khan Marri’s becoming chief minister of Balochistan may portend the beginning of interesting times for Balochistan and Pakistan. His father, Nawab Khair Bakhsh Khan Marri, is a legend…

Reconciliation Is The Best Path

Reconciliation is the best path

Nawabzada Changez Khan Marri’s becoming chief minister of Balochistan may portend the beginning of interesting times for Balochistan and Pakistan. His father, Nawab Khair Bakhsh Khan Marri, is a legend…

Limits To Privatisation

Limits to privatisation

From the statements of the PML-N leaders (likely to adore federal ministries) a clear hint is that privatising the public sector enterprises (PSEs) would be the focus of the new…

All-weather Friends

All-weather friends

Visiting China is a never-ending revelation; the amazing 7.7 percent growth rate in a sluggish global economy is considered ‘disappointing’ there. Of China’s 31 provinces, Guangdong has the highest GDP…

We Know The Answers, But Will They Matter?

We know the answers, but will they matter?

The elections are over. Some parties have lost and some have won. However, there were many irregularities: significant institutions failed to ensure an election the people deserved. The margin of…

Wannabe Finance Minister

Wannabe finance minister

Like the Titanic, our finance ministry is heading towards a dangerous iceberg. A head-on collision can tear a hole grievous enough to drag down the economic structure of the state.…

Statesmanship Or Gamesmanship?

Statesmanship or gamesmanship?

More than 150 people lost their lives in the run-up to the elections; and on election day itself, scores were injured. Despite all fear and intimidation, the people – by…

Master Strategy

Master strategy

A SORT of unprecedented political pragmatism has followed the 2013 election. As in other areas, improvement in the country`s security situation is also being projected by many who are optimistic…