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Agenda For The Nation 2013 And Beyond-III

Agenda for the nation 2013 and beyond-III

Over the past five years, extremely bad governance wrought with corruption and compromise in the name of continuity of democracy has brought the country to a disastrous point. This has…

‘Power Tariff Hike’

‘Power tariff hike’

Please refer to your editorial on the above subject (April 3) which covers the difficult subject of Power Tariff evaluation. Your quoted costs of power production do not seem to…

The PML-N’s Manifesto

The PML-N’s manifesto

As a matter of principle, election manifestos outline the priorities and goals set by a political party based on a best case scenario. That’s the reason the manifestos abound in…

The Office Of Denial

The office of denial

There is a difference between a good and a bad finance minister: the former keeps his nation informed about the true state of the economy and prepares public opinion for…

Peace Needed For Development

Peace needed for development

The federal cabinet`s decisions to hand over Gwadar port to the Chinese and to go ahead with the Iran Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project despite US pressure seem to be…

Economic Crisis In 2013?

Economic crisis in 2013?

There is all the evidence that the present government has put the economy on a path that – without a major change in the direction of the fiscal, monetary and…

The Worst Is Still To Come

The worst is still to come

With the fifth most turbulent year (2012) in Pakistan’s economic history drawing to a close yesterday, the year 2013 has just begun. Far from being a fresh start, there are…