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All-weather Friends

All-weather friends

Visiting China is a never-ending revelation; the amazing 7.7 percent growth rate in a sluggish global economy is considered ‘disappointing’ there. Of China’s 31 provinces, Guangdong has the highest GDP…

Looking Towards China

Looking towards China

The recent border stand-off between India and China was over after India acceded to China’s demand of dismantling its outpost in Chumar, and only then the 50-odd Chinese soldiers moved…

New Areas Of Cooperation

New areas of cooperation

Relations between the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) are finally picking up much-needed momentum. Recent talks held in Ho Chi Minh City between EU…

Election Drum

Election drum

Two aspects of the General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani's speech on Martyrs' Day that remain the subject of media debate are his belief that a competent democracy that delivers real results…

Impact Of Violence

Impact of violence

The run-up to the elections is proving extremely bloody. There is certainly more to come. Interestingly, what Pakistan is experiencing is usually not considered ‘election-related violence’. The traditional concept is…

What’s Faith Got To Do With It?

What’s faith got to do with it?

The truth that makes men free is often the truth that men prefer not to hear, said a sage. The initial shock over the two Chechen brothers’ apparent involvement in…

From Astana To Amritsar

From Astana to Amritsar

On April 26, Kazakhstan hosted the third Ministerial Conference of neighbours and ‘near-neighbours’ of Afghanistan (somewhat awkwardly designated as the ‘Heart of Asia’ countries) within the framework of the so-called…

Muslims Need A New Road Map

Muslims need a new road map

Dry academic debates hold as much charm for me as they do for most readers. But when Dr Tariq Ramadan speaks, you cannot help but pay attention. One of the…